For your knowledge-Baobab oil-Sakura Greetings

Baobab, a tree of life that has withstood the sun and extreme dryness and has protected African women's skin from the harsh environment. It is also used locally in traditional medicine and as an antipyretic for malaria.
Baobab, which is closely related to daily life, has been used by local residents in various forms such as food, medicine, beverages, beauty, and daily necessities since ancient times.

It mainly contains various vitamins, oleic acid, linolenic acid and palmitic acid, and can be expected to have an excellent moisturizing effect and anti-aging effect. In the cosmetics industry, it is said to be the hottest miracle oil.

[Effective effect of baobab oil]
Normally, oil containing a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids is easy to oxidize, but beauty effect (anti-aging, whitening, relief of atopy and scars) is high, but baobab oil contains vitamin E. It is a unique oil that is difficult to oxidize because it contains a lot.

Jojoba oil and camellia oil, which are popular as beauty oils, are characterized by high oleic acid content, but baobab is characterized by a high balance of fatty acid composition, and contains a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid, linoleic acid, and partimic acid. .
Oleic acid: High moisturizing power, prevents skin dryness
Linoleic acid: High affinity for skin, prevents water from evaporating from keratin, and softens skin
Partimic acid: Enhances aging care effect
Sterol: Emollient effect
Vitamin A: Promotes the repair and regeneration of skin and leads to
firm and lustrous skin Vitamin E: Strong antioxidant power and does not lose damage such as dullness and sagging of skin caused by ultraviolet rays and stress Leads to bright skin.


[Baobab basic knowledge]

Baobab oil

· Etymology
in Arabic "bu hobabu" in the meaning of (Boo Fububu) many a tree species, begins to Italian botanist who traveled to North Africa in the 16th century is noted in his book as "Ba Obabu" It is said that.
・ Also known as
Monkey Bread Tree (monkeys swarm and feed), Lemonade Tree (characterized by sour taste)
・ Distributed place It is
distributed from subtropical to tropical such as Australia, mainly in Africa.
Inhabits the hot and dry savanna where other plants are difficult to inhabit. It is said that there are dozens of types.
・ Size It
is a tall tree of the family Elegantae, reaching a maximum height of 75 feet (about 22 m), and its trunk is said to be 60 feet (about 18 m) in diameter.
・ How many years will you live? One
theory states that you will live for more than 5,000 years. However, it is difficult to measure the age accurately.
・ How to use in the field It is used as
food, medicine, textile, rope, cloth, wall material, storage, and house.